IELTS Speaking Tips to get band 8+ score


Do you intend to take the IELTS test in 2022? IELTS Test Pattern 2021 is currently available and has undergone minimal changes. IELTS candidates frequently complete the Reading, Listening, and Writing subtests quickly. However, when it comes to speaking, they irritate them. How come? The majority of English speakers in the intermediate level will tell the same tale. Your recorded words cannot be retrieved since you must be spontaneous. The CUE CARD round, which is the main surprise of the speaking session, is there. Let’s know about how to prepare for IELTS speaking:

Always adopt a natural accent

You don't have to sound like an American or a British person, even if the speaking test is all about your command of English. Your speaking accent is NOT taken into account when determining how well you will perform on the speaking portion of the test. Examiners will undoubtedly listen to your speech and assess your accent, word stress, and other factors. You are more likely to receive a failing grade if they detect your attempt to imitate a foreign accent.

Never Memorise Answers

Since you speak about yourself in the first part of the speaking test, it is more probable that you will have prepared a speech in advance. It may not be a good idea at all. Your normal speaking style will be considered when judging you in a certain circumstance. The examiners are able to recognise tailored responses and won't be impressed by them.

Extend your Answers

What if you only provide a yes or no response to a question? Or just in a single sentence? It won't show your examiner what a fantastic English speaker you are. Make sure not to go too far when you elaborate on your responses. For questions that can only be addressed with a word, try to keep your responses to no less than three phrases. You are free to elaborate as much as you like for others, but again, do not go overboard. Going off subject has the risk of boring the examiner.

Do not make a vocabulary show

You won't get additional points for your speaking if you use complex vocabulary. You'll sound more fake as a result. More mistakes will be made if you try to cram all the difficult words you have memorized into the sentence. Use "large" words only when they completely match the sentence. Despite the fact that vocabulary is a role in determining your score, use terms whose meaning and pronunciation you are comfortable with.